How to do energy infusions
Are you looking for a way to take your infusions, medicines & just about anything else you can imagine to the next level?
Join me as I share a few techniques on how to do energy infusions!
How to do energy infusions
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Before I explain how to do an energy infusion, believe me when I say this, it’s easier to do than you might think. You have the capacity to do this & so much more. Generally we are the ones that get in our own way & the reasons we do this are as individual as I am to you or you are to me. We allow our conditioning, the opinions & beliefs of others to be what we base what we think we can or can not do but that my friends is nothing more than an excuse.
More often than not as I’ve said before we are the ones that limit ourselves. We are the ones who choose to play small. We are the ones who dim our own light.
Now I’m going to ask you a question: have you had enough?
Had you had enough of being told what you can & can not do in the name of your own personal growth & evolution?
If so, then you are in the right place. If not, then by all means own that because after all it is impossible to be anywhere other than where you are, which is right on track.
So what does this have to do on a post about sharing a few energy infusion techniques? Nothing & everything depending on how you want to look at it. It’s just something to keep in mind & determine if that is how you want to continue operating or if you are ready to try something new.
With that being said, now for today’s content.
Before I share 3 techniques with you I’d like to address two questions.
Who can do energy infusions?
What can you infuse with energy?
To answer the first question, who can do energy infusions? The answer is anyone & everyone. The only equipment you require is the willingness to do it; a clear heart & open mind help as well. This means you do not need some fancy training, an attunement or anything else along those lines.
I’m going to share a secret with you, you don’t even need to be a reiki master to channel reiki energy! Wait! What, no way! I’m serious you don’t & anyone who tells you that you do is simply holding you back.
So if anyone can do this work that leads us to the next question, what can you infuse with energy?
Again the answer is simple & I will answer it with a question: what do you want to infuse?
What are you feeling called to put your healing energy into? Start there. Perhaps you feel called to infuse a medicine you are currently making or simply infuse the water you drink with healing energy. Maybe you want to infuse a healthy meal for a loved one. I’ve even gone so far as to use these techniques on my houseplants & crystals.
I’ve said it once & I will say it until I am blue in the face, please do not limit yourself. If it seems too weird, too out there, too this, too that, do it anyway. Your soul may have given you the inspiration so are you really wanting to continue to tell yourself no? What if instead you just listened? Are you ready to see what happens then?
How to do energy infusions
Technique 1: infusing with intention
This one is simple & straightforward. While you are making your medicine, be it a tincture, a nutrient dense meal full of whole foods or a tea with your favorite plant ally, hold in your mind the intention you are wanting to infuse into the object.
Say you were wanting to make a tincture to help with sleep. All you would need to do is hold the intention of a good night's rest while you were making the medicine. Perhaps you will allow images of you (or whoever the medicine is for) having a restful sleep or something along those lines to fill your mind as you prepare the tincture.
And that’s it, that’s our first technique. This almost seems too simple, but who said it needed to be difficult? Do you require things to be difficult in order to believe it will work? If so perhaps there’s a dusty belief that is no longer serving you that is ready to be examined.
Technique 2: infusing with reiki energy
Anyone has the capacity to channel Source energy, which is what reiki is, & you probably already do it without even realizing it. For this technique you will need to have the finished product you are wanting to infuse. Of course who am I to attempt to limit you, feel free to do this even if the product isn’t finished.
Have whatever you are wanting to infuse before you.
Rub your hands together quickly a good dozen times. Do it until you start to feel the chakras in your hands light up. A slight feeling of pins & needles is what you are looking for.
Start to move your hands & begin to feel the energy. To me it feels like there's a substance between my hands that I can move & stretch. I like to see how far I can stretch it before it snaps. Feel free to play with this energy in any way you want.
Begin to form a ball with the energy between your hands. I like to do a bit of a pumping motion to really strengthen the reiki ball.
Take the ball and place it over the object. If you feel called to say a little prayer do so now. If you don’t that’s alright, Source already knows where this energy needs to go.
End with gratitude. I like to do a little bow of reverence but you do what you feel called to do, it’s your practice after all.
Technique 3: Infusing with breath & color.
While the color isn’t necessary it is fun to add. This is not an exercise in clairvoyance so if that is not your dominant gift, you still have the full capacity to do this technique.
The important part is the connection to your breath. Breath is one of your lifelines to Source. Think about it, we can go without food for a time. We can even survive without water for a bit. But breath is different. No breath = no life.
I like to do this technique with food & water, but again you can do it on anything you want. For my example just like in the video I’m going to use a glass of water.
Place the water (object) if small enough in your non-dominant hand & put your dominant hand on top. If you do this backwards it will still work, this is just my preference as it feels more intentional. Again this is your practice, do it how you like.
In your mind begin to pull in what it is you are wanting to infuse. With the water in my example I wanted to infuse it with health & vitality.
Begin to imagine energy entering your crown. Even if you can’t feel it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there as it can take practice to attune your body to feeling energy if this is something that is new to you.
If you feel called, assign it a color. Maybe it is a single color or one that resembles the full color spectrum of the rainbow, whichever is perfect. If you don’t see color that’s ok, allow your intuition to tell you what color(s) it is.
Inhale through your crown & pull the energy down.
Exhale through your hand. Don’t get too heady about it & just do it.
Continue to breath like this for a few breaths, inhaling through the crown, exhaling through the hand.
Once it feels complete, drink the water or ingest the medicine.
After I filmed the video while I had the intention of drinking the water, truth be told I gave the water to one of my house plants as she was looking thirstier than me. So always be sure to think outside of the box when doing energy infusions.
Watch the video & tutorial HERE.